How to install peertube on ubuntu vps
Learn how to quickly install peertube-the open-source video streaming platform-on your ubuntu vps server!

This article provides an in-depth guide demonstrating how to install PeerTube on Ubuntu VPS.

What is PeerTube?

PeerTube is a decentralized, federated video hosting platform powered by WebTorrent and ActivityPub. It enables users to self-host video services and interact with other PeerTube instances.

PeerTube serves as an alternative to centralized platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, or Dailymotion. It is designed to give users control over their content without relying on a single corporation or central authority.

Key Features of PeerTube:

  1. Decentralized and Federated
    • PeerTube operates on a federation model using the ActivityPub protocol, meaning multiple instances (servers) can host videos while still being connected to a larger network.
    • Users can watch videos from different PeerTube instances without needing multiple accounts.
  2. Peer-to-Peer Streaming
    • Uses WebTorrent technology to reduce server load by allowing viewers to share bandwidth while watching videos.
    • This means the more people watch a video, the smoother it streams, reducing reliance on expensive hosting.
  3. No Ads & No Tracking
    • Unlike YouTube, PeerTube does not monetize content through ads or track users for targeted advertising.
    • Users have full control over their data and privacy.
  4. Self-Hosting & Customization
    • Anyone can host their own PeerTube instance and set rules, moderation policies, and community guidelines.
    • Supports customization, allowing admins to create unique video-sharing experiences.
  5. Free & Open-Source
    • Developed by the French non-profit Framasoft, PeerTube is completely open-source, meaning anyone can modify, improve, or contribute to its development.
  6. Supports Live Streaming
    • PeerTube now includes live streaming capabilities with peer-to-peer support, making it a viable option for independent creators.

We will walk you through the complete guide for how to install PeerTube on Ubuntu VPS.

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Before we discuss how to install PeerTube on Ubuntu VPS, ensure you have the following:

  1. System Requirements

    • A Ubuntu VPS (20.04 or 22.04 recommended)
    • At least 2 CPU cores, 4 GB RAM, and 40 GB of storage (or more depending on your expected traffic and video storage needs)
    • A domain name (e.g., with proper DNS records (Register a Domain)
    • A non-root user with sudo privileges
  2. Server Preparation

    Ensure your system is up to date:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

    Install necessary dependencies:

    sudo apt install -y curl wget gnupg2 unzip ffmpeg

How to Install PeerTube on Ubuntu VPS

To Install PeerTube on Ubuntu VPS, follow the steps provided:

    1. Set Up a PostgreSQL Database

      PeerTube requires PostgreSQL as its database. Install it along with the required extensions:

      sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib

      Switch to the PostgreSQL user:

      sudo -i -u postgres

      Create the PeerTube database and user:

      CREATE DATABASE peertube; CREATE USER peertube WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your_secure_password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE peertube TO peertube; \q

      Exit PostgreSQL.

    2. Install Redis

      Redis is used for caching:

      sudo apt install -y redis-server sudo systemctl enable redis sudo systemctl start redis
    3. Install Node.js

      PeerTube requires a specific version of Node.js. Install it using the Node Version Manager (nvm):

      curl -fsSL | bash source ~/.bashrc nvm install 18 nvm use 18

      Verify the installation:

      node -v

      It should output v18.x.x.

    4. Install Yarn

      Yarn is needed for managing PeerTube dependencies:

      npm install -g yarn
    5. Download and Configure PeerTube

      Create a dedicated user for PeerTube:

      sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos "" peertube

      Switch to the PeerTube user:

      sudo su - peertube

      Clone the latest stable PeerTube release:

      git clone -b v6.0.0 peertube
      cd peertube

      Copy the sample configuration:

      cp config/production.yaml.example config/production.yaml

      Edit the configuration:

      nano config/production.yaml

      Modify the following fields:

      • webserver.hostname: Set this to your domain (
      • database: Update credentials to match your PostgreSQL user.
      • redis: Ensure Redis settings are correct.

      Save the file (CTRL+X, then Y and Enter).

    6. Install PeerTube Dependencies

      yarn install --production --pure-lockfile

      Build the PeerTube client:

      NODE_ENV=production yarn build

      Run database migrations:

      NODE_CONFIG_DIR=./config NODE_ENV=production npm run setup
    7. Set Up Systemd Service

      Exit the PeerTube user session and create a systemd service:

      sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/peertube.service

      Paste the following configuration:

      [Unit] Description=PeerTube After=postgresql.service redis.service [Service] Type=simple User=peertube WorkingDirectory=/home/peertube/peertube ExecStart=/usr/bin/node ./dist/server Restart=always RestartSec=10 StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog SyslogIdentifier=peertube [Install]

      Save and exit.

      Reload systemd:

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable peertube sudo systemctl start peertube

      Check the status:

      sudo systemctl status peertube

      If running correctly, you should see “active (running)”.

    8. Install and Configure Nginx

      Install Nginx:

      sudo apt install -y nginx

      Create a new configuration file for PeerTube:

      sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/peertube

      Paste the following:

      server { listen 80; server_name; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; } }

      Save and exit.

      Enable the configuration:

      sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/peertube /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ sudo nginx -t sudo systemctl restart nginx
    9. Secure with Let’s Encrypt SSL

      Install Certbot:

      sudo apt install -y certbot python3-certbot-nginx

      Obtain an SSL certificate:

      sudo certbot --nginx -d

      Follow the prompts to complete the installation. To auto-renew SSL, set up a cron job:

      sudo crontab -e

      Add this line at the bottom:

      0 3 * * * certbot renew --quiet

      This will renew SSL automatically.

    10. Finalize Installation

      Restart PeerTube and Nginx:

      sudo systemctl restart peertube sudo systemctl restart nginx

      Access PeerTube via

      Create an admin account:

      sudo -u peertube NODE_CONFIG_DIR=/home/peertube/peertube/config NODE_ENV=production npm run reset-password -- -u root

      Set your desired password.

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You now know how to install PeerTube on Ubuntu VPS!

Now that you have successfully installed PeerTube on your Ubuntu VPS, you can customize your instance, add storage, and configure federation settings.🚀

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One thought on “How to Install PeerTube on Ubuntu VPS

  1. […] Federation: Users can follow and interact with accounts from other federated services like Mastodon, Pleroma, and PeerTube. […]

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