How to guide: migrating email accounts using imapsync (5 minute guide)This article provides a how-to guide for migrating email accounts using Imapsync.

What is Email Migration?

Email migration is the process of moving email data from one email system, server, or provider to another. This transfer includes emails, folders, attachments, and sometimes other related data like contacts, calendars, and settings.

What is Imapsync?

Imapsync is a popular tool for migrating email accounts between two IMAP servers. It ensures a seamless transfer of emails, preserving the folder hierarchy, message statuses, and other key attributes. This can be a helpful guide to accompany the How to Migrate Web Hosting guide.

This guide outlines the step-by-step process for using Imapsync effectively.


  1. Imapsync installed on a Linux or Windows machine.
  2. Login credentials (username and password) for both source and destination email accounts.
  3. IMAP server details (e.g.,,
  4. Administrator access (if migrating multiple accounts in bulk).

Migrating Email Accounts Using Imapsync

To begin migrating email accounts using Imapsync, follow the steps provided:

  1. Install Imapsync

    On Linux:

    1. Update your package manager:
       sudo apt update
    2. Install Imapsync:
       sudo apt install imapsync

    Alternatively, download and install the latest version from the official website.

    On Windows:

    1. Download the precompiled binary from the official website.
    2. Install the program by following the provided instructions.
  2. Gather Required Information

    Details to collect:

    1. Source IMAP server:
      • Hostname (e.g.,
      • Port (usually 993 for SSL).
      • Username and password of the email account.
    2. Destination IMAP server:
      • Hostname (e.g.,
      • Port (usually 993 for SSL).
      • Username and password of the destination email account.
  3. Test IMAP Connectivity

    Before proceeding, ensure you can connect to both servers:

    1. Use an email client (e.g., Thunderbird) or tools like openssl to test the IMAP connection:
       openssl s_client -connect
    2. Verify credentials by logging in using an email client.
  4. Run a Basic Migration

    The simplest command to migrate emails for a single account is as follows:

    imapsync --host1 --user1 --password1 'password1' \
    --host2 --user2 --password2 'password2'


    • --host1: Source IMAP server.
    • --user1: Source email account username.
    • --password1: Password for the source account.
    • --host2: Destination IMAP server.
    • --user2: Destination email account username.
    • --password2: Password for the destination account.
  5. Advanced Options

    Imapsync provides additional options for fine-tuning the migration process.

    1. Use Secure Connections (SSL/TLS)

      Ensure secure connections to both servers:

      --ssl1 --ssl2
    2. Excluding Specific Folders

      Exclude unnecessary folders like Spam or Trash:

      --exclude 'Spam|Trash'
    3. Limiting Messages by Date

      Migrate emails only from a specific date range:

      --minage 30 # Emails older than 30 days --maxage 365 # Emails no older than 365 days
    4. Dry Run Mode

      Test the migration without transferring any data:

    5. Log Files

      Save detailed logs of the migration process:

      --logfile migration.log
  6. Bulk Migration (Multiple Accounts)

    For bulk migration, create a file (e.g., accounts.txt) with account details:;password1;;password2;password2;;password2

    Run the following command:

    while IFS=";" read -r user1 pass1 user2 pass2; do imapsync --host1 --user1 "$user1" --password1 "$pass1" \ --host2 --user2 "$user2" --password2 "$pass2"; done < accounts.txt
  7. Validate Migration

    1. Log into the destination email account and verify:
      • Emails are present.
      • Folder hierarchy is intact.
      • Message statuses (e.g., unread/read, flags) are retained.
    2. Use the --dry option again for comparison if needed.
  8. Post-Migration Tasks

    1. Inform users to start using the new accounts.
    2. Update any DNS or MX records if the domain has changed.
    3. Delete or archive the old email accounts (optional).


  • Authentication Errors: Check IMAP server settings and ensure correct credentials.
  • Connection Timeouts: Increase timeout with --timeout:
    --timeout 120
  • Large Email Attachments: Use the --maxsize option to skip large files:
    --maxsize 50000000 # Skip files larger than 50MB


You now know all about migrating email accounts using Imapsync.

Migrating email accounts using Imapsync simplifies the email migration process while providing flexibility and detailed control. By following this guide, you can ensure a smooth and efficient transfer of emails from one server to another.

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