Save up to 40% off pre-built dedicated servers

We are pleased to announce our latest dedicated server offers on Pre-built Dedicated Servers, which can be deployed in under 60 minutes! As we introduce this new service, we are also providing lifetime discounts of up to 40% plus free 1Gbps port upgrades!

How Do Pre-Built Dedicated Servers Work?

Pre-built servers are a relatively simple method of service delivery. This involves assembling the servers with popular hardware configurations in anticipation of client orders. By the time an order has been submitted, the servers are already assembled and racked. This eliminates the need to build servers from scratch and enables QUICK DEPLOYMENT, thanks to our automated data center delivery system. The servers will power on, automatically assign IPs, configure the network, and begin the installation of your preferred operating system.

What Options Are Available for Pre-Built Servers?

Pre-built servers can still be customized exactly as before, with the exception of hardware components (Memory, Disks, Processors, etc are pre-installed). Any additional software, IP requirements, and network preferences (such as port speed and bandwidth) can easily be adjusted during the order process to meet the custom requirements of your project.

What if I Need to Modify the Hardware Configuration?

We understand every business and project is unique, which is why we will still provide the same custom dedicated server hosting as before. Pre-built servers are intended to provide quick delivery of cost-effective servers for those who do not require highly complex server builds.

For clients that do opt for Pre-built Dedicated Servers, hardware upgrades will still be available after deployment. Simply, open a ticket with the Sales Team to schedule your upgrades and pay a one-time “Remote Hands” fee for this service. The cost of additional hardware will be billed with the normal service renewals.

By design, pre-built servers offer added convenience and affordability that appeal to many clients. Additionally, we intend for this method of service delivery to assist in flattening the curve of Covid-19 outbreak. This alternative will contribute to the safety and well-being of the data center employees and ensure social distancing is observed in the workplace.

How to Order Pre-built Dedicated Servers

Please visit our Pre-built Dedicated Servers page in order to take advantage of this offer. The page can be accessed from the following URL:

Free 1gbps upgrade

Promotional Details
  • Limited quantities available.
  • No substitutions or rainchecks.
  • The earliest orders will be given priority by the automated provisioning system.
  • The only exception to the previous rule is in the case of a submitted order and an initiated cryptocurrency transaction. In this scenario, a 2-hour reserve is placed on the server (if supplies last), while awaiting confirmation on the blockchain.
  • All order fulfillment is provided on “first come, first served” basis.
  • All services are provided on the basis of acceptance and adherence to the Terms of Service, Acceptable Use Policy, Anti-Spam Policy, as well as state and local laws.

Please let us know if we can provide assistance with your order or solve any technical questions!

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Rad Web Hosting is a leading provider of web hosting, Cloud VPS, and Dedicated Servers in Dallas, TX.