Updated LEPTON to 4.5.0

Updated lepton to 4. 5. 0
LEPTON (ID : 633) package has been updated to version 4.5.0. LEPTON is an easy-to-use but full customizable Content Management System (CMS). LEPTON enables you to run nearly all the websites most others current CMS promise…

Updated Matomo to 3.13.2

Updated matomo to 3. 13. 2
Matomo (ID : 171) package has been updated to version 3.13.2. Matomo (formerly Piwik) is the leading open-source analytics platform that gives you more than just powerful analytics: Matomo aims to be an open source alternative…

Updated LESS to 3.11.0

Updated less to 3. 11. 0
LESS (ID : 427) package has been updated to version 3.11.0. LESS is a dynamic stylesheet language. LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. LESS runs on both the client-side…

Updated EspoCRM to 5.8.2

Updated espocrm to 5. 8. 2
EspoCRM (ID : 501) package has been updated to version 5.8.2. EspoCRM is a web application that allows you to see, enter and evaluate all your company relationships regardless of the type. People, companies, projects or…