How to install hestia control panel on rad web hosting cloud vpsThis article provides a guide for how to install Hestia Control Panel on Rad Web Hosting cloud VPS server.

What is Hestia Control Panel?

Hestia Control Panel is a lightweight and powerful control panel for the modern web.

Features of Hestia Control Panel:

Hestia System Requirements

In our guide, we will be installing Hestia control panel on a SSD Cloud VPS from Rad Web Hosting. New clients who want to give it a try, can spin up a cloud VPS with 50% off! (New clients only.)

Launch ssd vps server

Here are specs of the server we are using during this guide:

20 GB Cloud VPS (View plans) (View Templates) (View ISOs)

How to Install Hestia Control Panel on Cloud VPS

  1. Login to your Debian VPS or Ubuntu VPS using SSH – (Read SSH Guide)
  2. Run the following command as root user:
    wget sudo bash
  3. For customized installation, run this script to generate an extensive list of variables to apply with ‘sudo bash‘ command. Here’s a customized install command that I generated for my installation:
    sudo bash --apache yes --phpfpm yes --multiphp yes --vsftpd yes --proftpd no --named yes --mysql yes --postgresql no --exim yes --dovecot yes --sieve no --clamav yes --spamassassin yes --iptables yes --fail2ban yes --quota yes --api yes --interactive yes --password no --with-debs no --port '8083' --hostname '' --email '' --lang 'en'
  4. You can now login to your server from the Web GUI using port 8083. View a demo of Hestia web interface.


You now know how to install Hestia Control Panel on Rad Web Hosting Cloud VPS. I will leave you now, so you can give your new panel the thorough exploration it deserves.

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