Updated Jamroom to 6.5.5

Updated jamroom to 6. 5. 5
Jamroom (ID : 481) package has been updated to version 6.5.5. Jamroom is a community content management system. It enables you to bring your entire community online to participate in your websites content creation. If you…

Updated Gibbon to 20.0.00

Updated gibbon to 20. 0. 00
Gibbon (ID : 505) package has been updated to version 20.0.00. Gibbon is free, open source software: its flexible design gives schools complete control and freedom. Gibbon collates student information, helping teachers to understand, contact, find…

Updated Directus to 8.8.0

Updated directus to 8. 8. 0
Directus (ID : 638) package has been updated to version 8.8.0. Directus is an API-driven content management framework for custom databases. It decouples content for use in apps, websites, or any other data-driven projects. Directus makes…