Updated HumHub to 1.3.11

Updated humhub to 1. 3. 11
HumHub (ID : 570) package has been updated to version 1.3.11. HumHub is a free social network software and framework built to give you the tools to make communication and collaboration easy and successful. It’s lightweight,…

Updated Dolibarr to 9.0.1

Updated dolibarr to 9. 0. 1
Dolibarr (ID : 202) package has been updated to version 9.0.1. Dolibarr is a software built by modules addition, to manage small or medium companies, freelancers or foundations. Dolibarr is an OpenSource project base on a…

Updated Laravel to 5.8.3

Updated laravel to 5. 8. 3
Laravel (ID : 419) package has been updated to version 5.8.3. Laravel is a clean and classy framework for PHP web development. Freeing you from spaghetti code, Laravel helps you create wonderful applications using simple, expressive…

Updated CubeCart to 6.2.3

Updated cubecart to 6. 2. 3
CubeCart (ID : 122) package has been updated to version 6.2.3. CubeCart is a complete ecommerce shopping cart software solution. With CubeCart you can quickly setup a powerful online store to sell digital or tangible products…