4 quick steps to install cloudpanel on debian 11 vps serverThis article will show you 4 quick steps to install CloudPanel on Debian 11 VPS Server.

What is CloudPanel?

CloudPanel is a free software to configure and manage a server with an obsessive focus on simplicity. CloudPanel is a free hosting control panel used to run static websites, PHP, Node.js and, Python applications.


To install CloudPanel on Debian 11 VPS server, the following requirements must be met:

  • Debian 11 VPS Server with root-level access
  • Minimum 1 CPU Core
  • Minimum 2 GB RAM
  • Minimum 10 GB Disk

Steps to Install CloudPanel on Debian 11 VPS Server

To install CloudPanel on Debian 11 VPS server, follow the steps provided:

  1. Login to the server as root user via SSH and run the following command:
    apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo
  2. Run the installer using the following command:
    curl -sS https://installer.cloudpanel.io/ce/v2/install.sh -o install.sh; \ echo "3c30168958264ced81ca9b58dbc55b4d28585d9066b9da085f2b130ae91c50f6 install.sh" | \ sha256sum -c && sudo bash install.sh
  3. Open your web browser to the following address:
  4. Create Admin user by filling in the fields provided:
    Create cloudpanel admin user
  5. You can now login with the Admin user details created in Step 4 (by visiting the URL from Step 3).

You now know how to install CloudPanel on Debian 11 VPS Server.

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