Updated Symfony to 6.3.3

Updated symfony to 6. 3. 3
Symfony (ID : 473) package has been updated to version 6.3.3. Symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications, and to replace the repetitive coding tasks by power, control and pleasure. Symfony…

Updated Kirby to

Updated kirby to 3. 9. 6. 1
Kirby (ID : 520) package has been updated to version Kirby is a file-based CMS with a beautiful web interface and thousands of customers world-wide. Its flexible data structure and powerful template engine makes it…

Updated Omeka S to 4.0.2

Updated omeka s to 4. 0. 2
Omeka S (ID : 667) package has been updated to version 4.0.2. Omeka S is a next-generation web publishing platform for institutions interested in connecting digital cultural heritage collections with other resources online. View Demo and…