Illustration of vps reselling workflow

This article provides a visual illustration of the VPS reselling workflow, made possible by the white-label VPS reseller service  and the WHMCS VPS Reseller modules provided by Rad Web Hosting.

Recommended: 5 Minute Guide to Integrate WHMCS VPS Reseller

The VPS Reselling Workflow:

  1. Start
  2. Reseller signs up for VPS reseller account
  3. Reseller platform provisions resource pool
  4. Customer signs up for VPS via Reseller’s WHMCS
  5. VPS instance provisioned from resource pool automatically
  6. VPS details are sent to customer via Reseller’s Welcome Email
  7. Customers manage their VPS instances
  8. Reseller manages billing and direct client support
  9. Reseller upgrades resource pool as needed to meet demand

Launch your cloud business with our white-label platform


Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any additional information about reselling VPS.

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Rad Web Hosting is a leading provider of web hosting, Cloud VPS, and Dedicated Servers in Dallas, TX.